The darker side of MMA superstars’ Twitter row

Twitter rows: generally I avoid them.  There is more to life than peeking at others’ disgruntlement through the myopic holes of social media. I prefer the grandmotherly advice to leave each to their own views and opinions: ” As long as they ‘ain’t troublin’ you.” Yet this keyboard war between rival mixed martial arts superstars, Conor … More The darker side of MMA superstars’ Twitter row

Novel in a day 2020

Yesterday, literally from dawn ’til dusk, I took part in ‘Novel in a day 2020’. I’m writing about it today because, in light of recent government comments about ‘art’, it seems fitting.  ‘Novel in a day’ is a literary project that involves the collaboration of writers from across the globe on a single novel written … More Novel in a day 2020

Why the Corona Virus Crises might well be the best thing that ever happened

Yesterday I finally lost my temper with humanity. All of it. Including myself. Contrary to popular belief, I am not as curmudgeonly as initial appearances suggest. So, inevitably, when I do throw my toys out of the pushchair my body tends to reward me with a headache- a sort of self-flagellation from the psyche for … More Why the Corona Virus Crises might well be the best thing that ever happened


When I hear news reports about our degrading environment and the decimation of the natural world and its wildlife, I am often guilty of turning off the radio. It’s not that I don’t care. I care very much, but sometimes feel overwhelmed, sad and powerless to respond. … More ACT NOW IDIOTS